Monday, November 29, 2010

so it finally...

hit me today that my brother is really leaving on his mission for 2 yrs.. i was sitting in church and when he got up to talk i started to cry i couldnt help it! i kow that i am going to bawl this wednesday when we go to take him down to the mtc :( i am happy for him though. on saturday we had an early christmas and family fun day.. my parents took all of us to ifly to do some indoor skydiving, after that we went bowling and glow in the dark golf. after golf we went down to rodizio grill, which is amazing i love it! after dinner aaron came and met us downtown to go through temple square to see the lights and then down to my parents house to open presents! it was alot of fun and i cant even begin to express how much i love my family they are simply amazing and i am so glad they are mine! xoxoxo

Friday, November 26, 2010

almost that time...

it is almost that time when my brother leaves to go on his mission to chile.. i dont think that it has actually hit me and i am sure it wont until sunday for his farewell and then again wednesday when we take him to the mtc i have this HUGE feeling im going to ball my eyes out :( hmm this saturday we are doing our early christmas and my parents are taking us indoor skydiving, to dinner, and then we are going to temple square to see the christmas lights :) it will be fun i am excited! aaron and i are going to go shopping tonight and we are totally doing it backwards! instead of going late last night and early this morning we are going the night of black friday which is totally fine with me! i am not a morning person what so ever  :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

what a crazy week...

it has been!! i cant believe it! so the last time i wrote i told you that my brother got his mission call to Washington.. well last Saturday that changed! the stake president called my brother Friday the 8th and told him the presidency of the church has changed his mission call and he will now be leaving December 1st! so they sent him a new call that he got on Saturday and he is now called to Chile! i didn't even know that they did that! also my brother has asked me to create a blog for him and update it with his letters that he sends to us while he is out on his mission i was so happy he asked me to do that! so i decided to get a little creative when i made up his blog and this is what i came up with... for his blog address i named it which in English means Chile missionary. and for his blog head name it is called anciano Clark which in English means elder Clark. :) i will be sad to see him go but i know he will have an amazing experience and will be an awesome missionary!

Friday, October 8, 2010

update time!

it is so crazy to me how fast the time has been going by! it is now october and there are only about 5 more paydays till christmas! so lets see where to begin... my brother jordy put in his mission papers and got his mission call a few weeks to the Tacoma Washington spanish speaking mission! i am so proud of him! he leaves December 15th and i am going to miss him so much. it is weird to think that he will be gone for 2 years but i know it will be an amazing experiance for him. As for the rest of my family.. my dad is home for a few more weeks but then he is headed to new  country i think new zealand or somthing like that not quite sure, my mom is finally in the nursing program and is loving every minute of it and she is constantly studying :) my brother murray is a senior in high school. Icant believe that he will be graduated next year it is so weird to think! my brother hunter started 7th grade this fall and he is loving it :) as for me.. i finally have gotten what i wanted with work as far as having my own store to run :) i love having my own place to work at and i have been working a TON i worked six days last week and this week and i will have lots of overtime and will love my pay check! this weekend is a busy one.. tonight when i get off work aaron and i are going to his friends house for a bbq for the october birthdays and for all the guys to get together and see each other again. i think that the last time hey did this was back in january for aarons birthday. tomorrow when i get off work heidi jovette and i are going to get a pedi and then we are going to all go to tempanyaki with our guys for dinner. it should be an awesome weekend i cant wait for it to start! i am also planning a halloween party with jovette for a few friends and people i work with it will be fun! well back to work i go :) oh an i will post new pics ♥

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday ♥

wahoo it is saturday :) today i work till three then i have my cousins bridal shower till five. after the shower i am going home to pack a few things and then me and aaron are going camping at at this place called soapstone. it will be fun it is our last camping trip for the year. SAD!! i love camping and i wish we could have done it more than we did but there is always next year :) today is also the 9th anniversary of 9/11/01. i cant believe that it has been nine years already i remember the day that it happened like it was yesterday. i was in 8th grade in 2nd period when i heard about ms. Tweeds class. she let us watch it for a few minutes then turned it off and we were all so mad cause we wanted to know what was going on. im going to take a moment to expess my sadness for all those who's lives were lost.....
thank you for your time. till another day. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

labor day fun!

so yesterday for labor day my mom, brothers, and i went up to park city to do the alpine slide and the alpine coaster. it was a blast! but it was so busy we literally had to wait in line for over and hour on each ride! but it was good to hang out with my family! after we rode the rides we went to go find something to eat and ended up going to ruby tuesday down by the outlet mall. WORST experiance EVER! i would never ever go there again! we sat there for ever waiting to order our food and it seriously took 45 min to get our food ( it wasnt even busy) and then my mom asked for her steak to be cook medium well... it came out medium rare, then to top it off after we all had gotten our food it took another 15 min for jordy's food to come out! RIDICULOUS! so then the manager came out and comped my mom and jordy's food so we didnt end up having to pay for it which was really nice! after dinner we went to the outlet mall to a couple of stores and then went home :) overall the day was a sucess! i love my family so much they are everything to me!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

one year ♥

i cant believe that it has been a year already since me and Aaron first started dating. it is so crazy how fast time flies! i love him so much and he is such an amazing person. i am so blessed to have him in my life :) he is planning on taking me out tonight to do a little celebration, i am not sure what he is planning but anything is good enough for me. even if we just stay home and we are together it doesn't even matter :) hmm lets see what else i started back at money train today. i am going to be the floater for all the stores except for salt lake again which is fine but i seriously cant wait till i get my own store it will be really nice to organize everything how i want it and i can put pictures up :) its kinda a pain to be a floater there is so much to remember and every store has its different ways that they have things. its good i love the owner and the people i work with and i am making money so i am pretty happy about it :) lets see... yesterday was really fun Aaron and i went to the mall and i got to buy new clothes ( which was VERY needed, i haven't been clothes shopping in FOREVER) i hit a sale also which i love sales! then i took him to his friends house and then i went to my parents house and hung out with my mom. we went to target and got my cousin Whitney some wedding gifts for her shower next week. my aunt Dianne, Laurie, and Jessica, my grandma and my mom all went in on a gift together and we bought her bathroom stuff that she had put on her registry. we then went home i wrapped the gift, and we went to dinner. ( my mom, Murray, and hunter) my dad is in Louisiana for a few weeks working and jordy was at work.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


week that i have had for sure! lets see where to start... last friday the owner of the car dealership that i work at decided it was time to close it down because of many reasons.. #1: this dealership wasnt selling cars and was a money pit. #2 his heart wasnt in the car business like it was when he first opened his first dealership. and #3 he wanted to expand money train title loans even more than he already has. i of course still have a job which i am so thankful for. and i get to go back to be at all the stores till one of the new stores opens and then i will have my own store to work at closer to home. it will be good to go back and work at money train for the fact that i get paid on commissions! wahooo! ha ha but anyways so i have been boxing up and also finishing up everything at rj wrigleys so that we can close up.. well it has been a success because it is only thursday and everything is filed and the payable checks have been cut. it has been a great time working in the car business and i have met so many great people and had many new experiances in my life that i have loved! so until another day this is all i have to write :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

weekend fun!

Friday after work aaron and i went to the mall to see if i could find a cute new outfit... well i did and i only spent $13 dollars cause i had a gift card! oh how i love when that happens :) after that we went and grabbed some cafe rio and went home and watched julie and julia :) love that movie it makes me want to cook lots of new things! saturday i cleaned my room and just hung out till aaron got home. sunday we got up and did yard work, watched the travel channel for a bit and then went to my grandmas and aunts house for a bbq, which was soo good although i didnt eat my hamburger cause i wasnt in the mood for it at all. overall this weekend was a success for being nice and lazy i loved it :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


last night was our  last night of our summer bowling league. i think it was the best that i have ever gotten in bowling! my second game total was a 214! i had gotten eight strikes in a row!!! i was pretty proud of myself i will be honest! Because it was the last game for the bowling league we had a huge hawaiian party and everyone dressed up in their hawaiian clothes it was fun! everyone also got a share of prize money so that was pretty nice to get money back at the end!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

time to catch up!

I cant believe how long that it has been since i have been on here and written anything! i am going to try to fix that and get on here as much as possible and write more than i have been doing cause i am a total slacker! i have now been together with aaron for a year and i couldnt be happier :) he is truly an amazing guy and i am so lucky to have found him! let me up date you with what i have been doing this summer... the first and second weekend in may i went to the salt lake supercross and then to the las vegas supercross race it was a blast! at the salt lake race it was freezing cold and during the main events it was snowing and raining! i stuck it out and it took forever to get warm but it was soo worth it! for the vegas race aaron his brother josh and his wife heidi came down also. we stayed at mandalay bay and might i add that i love that hotel it is AMAZING! they have a bunch of pools and a sandy beach right next to the wave pool! we hung out there the friday that we got there, saturday me and aaron went to the races early with matt debbee weston and one of his friends and just hung ut in the pits all day and then watched the main events. sunday we went to the pool again and hung out all day till about 4 or so then started our drive home. we started going to the lake every sunday this summer with a bunch of friends and it has been a blast! we went to my parents house over the 4th of july ( well the 3rd for the parade and then the 4th for a bbq and the fireworks.) over the 24th of july we went to bear lake with heidi and josh and heidi's family. the first weekend of this month i took a trip with my mom, dad, jordy, hunter and my grandparents to glacier national park. oh my goodness it is soo gorgeous up there! i would reccommend everyone to go there! we stayed on the west side of the park in a campground just outside of the park a little, and can i just tell you it rained almost everyday that we were up there! i loved it! it was so green and was jacket weather the whole time it was nice! my dads truck did pretty much break down when we got their though so we ended up having to stay an extra day then we planned but im glad cause i love spending time with my family! we hiked and took alot of drives. on monday my grandparents went home and we went for a 2 hour horseback ride. it was awesome! on tuesday we went to two towns and walked around to shops and just looked around then the truck was done about 4 and we went back to camp packed up and made our 10 1/2 hour journey home! needless to say it was VERY late when we all finally got home. we did see 4 big horned sheep when we were there, three bears and some deer!! that is pretty much just an overview of the last four months of whats been going on aside from work of course :)